
Development overview

The key benefits of the proposals can be summarised as follows:

Illustration of the northern phase development

Creation of character areas

Consideration has been given to the traditional pattern and grain of Silver End and the proposed scheme aims to deliver a well-designed addition to it. There is a gradation of built form towards the central open spaces, with lower density development at the countryside edges. The scheme will become part of, and integrate into, the fabric of Silver End.

Higher density development is characterised by apartment buildings and terraces. Lower density areas feature predominantly detached dwellings in larger plots. Each house is provided with a private garden and all apartments have access to communal amenity space.

The central spine and green

A central spine road runs through the heart of the development and reflects the characteristics of the existing principal avenues in Silver End. Here, larger detached homes are set back from the road edge with generous front gardens and landscaping, providing for an open character. Hedgerows, as another characteristic of Silver End, delineate plot boundaries and help screen parked cars. On entering the site from Western Road, the gently curving spine road provides views of a crescent green, which is framed by detached homes of a single type.

The central green between the northern and southern land parcels features retained and enhanced hedgerow and trees which represent an earlier parish boundary. The green is framed by three storey apartment buildings.

Southern character area

The southern part of the scheme contains Redrow’s arts and crafts inspired dwellings. A simple palette of brick has been chosen, with render applied to accentuate keynote buildings. Along the western edge of the development, dwellings sit in a back-to-back relationship with existing properties. The scale and pattern of development along this boundary is reflective of the adjacent built form and meets separation distance guidance.