
Field access application

29 August 2018

On 21st July 2018, Redrow submitted a planning application to Braintree District Council for the creation of a temporary vehicle access into the development site from Western Road. The creation of this access is necessary to allow vehicles safe entry and exit from the site, so that exploratory survey work can be undertaken. In accordance with the outline planning consent granted for Land North of Western Road in 2017, access to the site has always been proposed from Western Road, and the details for the proposed junction design and road widening required for the permanent access are currently being discussed with the Highways Authority.

Following two public consultation events, and a public meeting with Silver End Parish Councillors, Redrow consulted their independent arboriculturalist to assess the possibility of transplanting the hedgerow, rather than replacing it. Regrettably, the report issued by the independent specialist concluded that the condition of the hedgerow, and the significant presence of Dutch Elm Disease eliminates the possibility of transplantation.

As part of the detailed planning application to be submitted later this year, Redrow’s proposals for the development of the site will include a comprehensive landscaping scheme. In accordance with Redrow’s ‘net-gain’ approach to biodiversity, the proposals will ensure the existing hedgerow is replaced with native trees and hedgerow of superior quality, and will secure its long term ecological management.