
Detailed planning applications submitted

17 October 2018

We have now submitted planning applications to Braintree District Council, seeking to agree the access, layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping details of the development.

Over the last few months we have prepared and developed the detailed proposals in close consultation with Council officers. We also sought the views of local residents, through two drop-in consultation events, in an effort to ensure issues with the original masterplan could be addressed.

The submitted application proposes:

Now that our detailed applications have been submitted, we are continuing to liaise closely with Council officers and consultees to make further adjustments and refinements to the scheme. You can review our full applications, including all plans, reports and supporting information, on the Council’s website here.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the proposals in more detail, please use the contact details below:

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 020 7357 8000

All comments will be carefully considered by Redrow and Council officers.

To view our full development update newsletter that has been sent to Silver End residents please click here.