
Resolution to grant reserved matters planning permission for the development of 350 new homes

1 April 2019

On Tuesday 19 March 2019, members of Braintree District Council’s Planning Committee resolved to grant detailed planning permission for the development of 350 homes on land to the north of Western Road.

Outline planning permission, which established the principle of developing the site, was granted by the Planning Inspector following an appeal in March 2017. After acquiring the site in the spring of 2018, Redrow saw an opportunity to improve the original illustrative masterplan and immediately began a process of consultation with local residents and Council officers. The final proposals presented to members of the Council’s Planning Committee had evolved considerably since the first public consultation event in May 2018, and Redrow is grateful to all those who opted to take part in the process.

The permission allows for the creation of 350 new high-quality homes, helping to meet the District’s housing need. 40 per cent of the new homes will be affordable housing, comprising 70 per cent affordable rent and 30 per cent shared ownership. The bungalows and four-bedroom homes offered for affordable rent are considered particularly useful in meeting the identified housing need in the parish.

Redrow recognised the pride local residents take in the architectural heritage of Silver End. A bespoke range of homes has been purpose-designed for this scheme, to reference some of the characteristics of dwellings found in the village. The new development will deliver a scheme of exceptional quality, architectural merit and distinction, which reflects local character.

In addition to the creation of a new community, Redrow will be providing significant financial contributions for local facilities. These contributions, which total approximately £2.8 million, will be made available to the local authorities to fund education, health facilities and off-site open space. Moreover, the development will provide a site for an early years and childcare facility.

Redrow takes a “net-gain” approach to biodiversity across all its development sites. The development will retain and enhance features and habitats across the site, including existing hedgerows and trees. Whilst the Western Road hedgerow has been removed to facilitate safe access to the site, it is being replaced with 360-metres of high-quality, native, species-rich hedgerow and trees, along with a chestnut hurdle fence  to provide a linear feature for bats as part of the ecological mitigation. Along the eastern boundary, strategic planting will soften the development edge when viewed from the public footpaths to the east.

For a summary of the scheme’s key benefits, please visit the “Development Overview” page.

Our consultation team continue to remain open to enquiries. Please email [email protected] or telephone Lorna Byrne or Sean Groves on 020 7357 8000.