Proposals summary
We have now submitted a full planning application seeking consent for the development of 205 much-needed new homes, of which 35 per cent will be affordable, alongside new accesses, associated landscaping, green infrastructure and drainage features. The planning application will shortly be available to view on the Council's website, with full details set out in the Design and Access Statement.
Above: submitted masterplan
- Ten self-build plots
- Existing trees and vegitation retained where possible along site boundaries and on the development
- Existing pond retained within area of public open space
- Existing watercourse retained, with additional management allowing for the creation of new habitats
- Attenuation basins and ditches provide sustainable urban drainage systems and aquatic habitats
- Pathways for pedestrians and cyclists
- Dense buffer zone towards Carpenters Croft to limit impact on neighbouring residents and conservation area
- Waldron Road pedestrian and emergenct access only
- Equipped area of play and seating area at the heart of the development
- Development set back from the site boundary to allow for a buffer between new homes and the ancient woodland
- A total of 432 car parking spaces including visitor spaces and garages
- New planting, such as large native tree species hedgerows and wildflower verges will create an attractive natural setting for the development