Redrow in the process of acquiring Hesmonds Stud, East Hoathly
30 June 2021
In July 2020, Wealden District Council’s Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission for the construction of up to 205 new homes (including affordable homes) on land at Hesmonds Stud, East Hoathly. In Spring 2021, Redrow began the process of acquiring the development site, and is now developing detailed plans which will form part of a reserved matters planning application.
The outline planning permission establishes the principle of development and the access arrangements, but there are still several matters of detail to be agreed. These include the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development. Redrow will shortly be submitting a reserved matters planning application, seeking permission for the remaining details.
Our project team is consulting with planning officers at the Council, as well as other experts, to ensure the best possible development is achieved at Hesmonds Stud. As part of this collaborative approach, Redrow would like to share its draft plans with the local community. We want to hear your ideas and concerns, and answer any questions you may have about the proposals.
Between 6.30-8pm on Tuesday 13 and 12-1.30pm on Wednesday 14 July, Redrow will be hosting virtual consultation events to present the plans and hear feedback. If you would like to take part, please visit the Have Your Say page and register your interest.