Redrow submits full planning application
15 February 2022
Following a period of pre-application engagement with council officers and the local community, Redrow has now submitted a full planning application seeking consent for the development of 205 much-needed new homes, of which 35 per cent will be affordable, alongside new accesses, associated landscaping, green infrastructure and drainage features at Hesmonds Stud. The full planning application will shortly be available to view on Wealden District Council's website.
Over the course of the consultation process, in addition to feedback on the proposals, local residents posed a number of questions to the project team. To ensure all those who have an interest in the development proposals have access to our responses, the project team has prepared a 'frequently asked questions' page (FAQ) on this website, which you can visit by clicking here.
Redrow would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to participate in the consultation process.
Whilst all feedback on the proposals should now be submitted to the Council, the project team would be pleased to answer any questions you might have about the plans. Please get in touch using the contact details on the Have Your Say page.