A High Quality Design and Landscaping Strategy
Redrow have embraced a high quality design and landscaping strategy, which will make the most of the unique hillside setting of this barren brownfield site. The topography of Napier Park is particularly challenging, with significant slopes and level changes. The design of the scheme responds to the existing landscape, with a curved access road winding through the site, leading to different character areas of development.
The Upper Gardens are located on the highest plateau of the site, adjacent to the St Anne’s Hill area. Consistency in scale has been an important consideration in the design of this section of the development and a mix of predominantly semi-detached and terraced homes are proposed.
The Midslope Gardens sit on the second plateau above the Valley Gardens area. The undulating topography in this area will provide a distinctive environment for the development of detached, semi detached and terraced homes.
The Valley Gardens are located in the southern section of the site on the lowest plateau. The tallest elements of development, contemporary apartment buildings of up to eight storeys, have been positioned on this lowest part of the site, fronting Kimpton Road, to create an entrance gateway.
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Development Overview
Our Napier Park development will regenerate a steeply sloping brownfield site and deliver:
- 520 much needed, attractive new homes.
- a variety of one, two, three and four bedroom properties, of which 10% will be affordable housing.
- 52 affordable homes for rent across the site (10% of the scheme total).
- affordable units which will be constructed to Lifetime Homes standards, to ensure that they can be adapted easily for lifetime use.
- a variety of landscaped spaces and extensive planting, including Napier Green in the heart of the site.
- pocket parks, which will make the most of the topography and provide both formal and informal play opportunities.
- 4,730sqm of new woodland area.
- 3,700sqm of new wildflower meadow.
- 4,500sqm of public open space, including 3,570sqm of play space and equipment.
- a pedestrian spine and cycle route, which will link the new development to neighbouring areas and provide connections through the site to Luton Airport Parkway Station.
- a private garden for each house.
- private balconies or private amenity space for each apartment and access to communal amenity space.
- 918 car parking spaces for residents and visitors, and one dedicated car club space.
- 138 cycle parking spaces.