
New planning application submitted for northern phase of development

25 May 2021

Redrow's development of land to the north of Western Road is progressing well and 40 of the 350 homes planned for this site have now been completed.

All development that has taken place so far is contained within the southern parcel of land, closest to Western Road. As the development continues to progress, work will shortly advance into the northern land parcel, which is adjacent to the rear of existing properties on Abraham Drive.

Although there is full planning permission in place for 126 new homes in this northern part of the site, Redrow has reconsidered the character and layout of this future phase of development. A new planning application has been prepared for submission to Braintree District Council, seeking permission to make some changes to the approved plans.

The number of homes planned for this area will not change. Redrow still proposes to build 126 dwellings in the northern parcel, 51 per cent of which will be affordable. This means that, across the whole site, 40 per cent of the homes will be affordable. Based on feedback received and experience gained during the first phase of development at Silver End, Redrow proposes to adjust the character, style, features and use of materials in the northern phase, to reflect those that have proved popular and successful in the southern phase.

Download a copy of Redrow's latest Development Update to read more about the proposed changes.