Planning history
On 16 July 2020, Members of Wealden District Council's Planning Committee South resolved to grant outline planning permission for the construction of up to 205 new homes at Hesmonds Stud. Planning permission was then issued in June 2021 accompanied by a signed Section 106 Agreement.
This permission established the principle of development on the site, and agreed the access arrangements. All remaning matters of detail, such as the layout, landscaping, scale and appearance of the development, were reserved for agreement at a later date.
An illustrative masterplan was submitted as part of the outline planning application. You can download a copy of the illustrative masterplan by clicking here.
Two procedural matters associated with this planning consent are now subject to a judicial review.
Next steps
Redrow began the process of acquiring the site in the Spring of 2021, and saw an opportunity to improve the original illustrative masterplan. However, Redrow has decided to pause work on its reserved matters planning application for the time being, while the judicial review process is carried out.
In its place, the project team has now submitted a full planning application. Full planning applications require a significant amount of detail to be submitted to the local planning authority, which will be examined carefully as part of the decision-making process.
Now that the full planning application has been submitted, planning officers, elected representatives and the local community will have another opportunity to review the plans for the site, ask questions and offer feedback. This has no bearing on the ongoing judicial review process, which is examining the way in which the previous decision was reached, and not the merits of the decision itself.
To ensure we have brought forward the best possible development for East Hoathly, Redrow has been keen to work with the local community, Council officers and other experts before submitting their planning application.
In November 2021, Redrow held a public consultation at East Hoathly Village Hall. Draft plans were displayed, and members of the project team were on hand to answer questions and hear feedback. To download a digital copy of the exhibition material, please click here.
Please visit the Have Your Say page to submit your feedback, or to register your interest in the latest news.